How to take Care of your Dental Braces —

How to take Care of your Dental Braces —

Dr,Goswami’s Dental Braces Dentist team at their orthodontic clinic at East Delhi take special care of their patient about teaching then about how to take care of their dental braces appliance and let them know how to brush their teeth, about their eating habits and food that they should take while they have braces on their teeth, hot to take care their removable appliances and the final permanent retainer that we give to them after the treatment is finished…….



You will notice that it requires more time to keep your teeth clean with braces. Food tends to get stuck in between the brackets and your teeth, and can only be removed by brushing and flossing.

  • Floss every day. In order to get the floss under your wires, use floss — threaders or an inter-dental toothbrush. If plaque remains on the teeth for any length of time, it will leave a permanent white scar on the surface of your tooth.
  • Brushing after meals should become part of your daily habit.
  • Make sure to use the special fluoride mouthwash prescribed by Delhi Dental Center every day. It will not only prevent cavities, but also help prevent decalcification around the brackets of your braces.



A healthy diet means a healthy body, healthy teeth, and a better result for your orthodontic treatment.

  • Please do not eat hard foods: nuts, ice, crisp tomato chips, whole apples and carrots (cut them into pieces first), hard French bread crust and rolls, corn on the cob (cut the corn off the cob before eating), and popcorn. These foods risk breaking brackets and wires.
  • Also beware of nail biting and pen or pencil chewing habits – if any, since these can damage your braces.
  • Do not eat sticky foods: taffy, caramels, bubble gum, and sticky candy of any sort. Use common sense about most foods.



  • Hard Bread Crust.
  • Hard toasts.
  • Hard Pizza outer crust.
  • Apples (unless peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces).
  • Carrots (unless cut in strips).
  • Popcorn.
  • Frozen Candy Bars.
  • Nuts.
  • Hard and Sticky Candies / chocolates.
  • Meat on the Bone.
  • Corn on the Cob.
  • Bubble Gum.
  • Tootsie Roll / Bit-O-Honey.
  • Chewing Cracked Ice.



Elastics (rubber bands) exert the proper force that creates the right amount of pressure to move teeth. In order for this force to remain constant, elastics must be worn all the time and changed once a day. Any time missed in wearing your elastics will only make your treatment take longer, so remember these things.

  • You are responsible for placing the elastics on your braces between appointments. Make sure to wear them as instructed. Remove them only when brushing your teeth, gums and braces after meals. Then put your elastics back on immediately.
  • Always carry a few elastics with you, so if one breaks you can replace it right away. If your supply is low, call us and we will mail you an additional supply of elastics
  • If you forget to insert your elastics one day, do not double up the next day; just follow your regular instructions.
  • Elastics become worn out. When they lose their elasticity, they do not provide the proper pressure on your teeth and jaws. It is very important to change them as directed, even when they are not broken.
  • If your elastics break frequently, a wire or band loosens, or a hook breaks off, call us immediately. Do not wait until your next appointment. These problems need to be corrected as soon as possible.



The removable appliance is carefully designed to move or to hold your teeth. It is important that it is worn according to instructions and brought to each appointment.

  • You must wear your appliance at all times, even while you are asleep. It should be removed while eating, swimming, or playing vigorous sports activities.
  • Avoid flipping your appliance with your tongue. This can cause damage to your teeth or breakage of your appliance.
  • Your new appliance may make your teeth sore for a day or two, especially after an adjustment. If you have a sore spot on your gums, call us so that we can adjust the appliance.
  • Clean your appliance by brushing it daily with toothpaste. Denture cleaner (e.g., fifty-dent, Fixodent) can also be used for a more thorough cleaning. If you are wearing a bonded wire retainer behind your front teeth, be extra careful to clean the wire and the area around it. Flossing should be done every day.
  • Never wrap your appliance in a paper napkin or tissue and set it down on the table. You or someone else may accidentally throw it away. Do not put it in your pocket when playing or you may break or lose it. Whenever it is not in your mouth, it should be placed in its plastic appliance case.
  • Keep your appliance away from dogs or cats, as they love to chew on them. Avoid storing them near any source of heat. Do not boil your retainer to sterilize it. If needed, bring it to our clinic, and we will be happy to disinfect it for you.



Now that your braces are off and you are enjoying your beautiful new smile, we would like to give you some information about retainers.

  • Retainers are very important to your orthodontic result, and the first year after braces is always the most crucial.
  • Until you are advised differently, wear your retainers all the time, except for playing sports and eating.
  • Brush the retainers with cold water every time you brush your teeth. Soaking them in mouthwash during dinner will give you that after-dinner minty taste. Occasional soaking in regular denture cleaner is also a good idea.
  • Retainers can easily be broken if they are not in your mouth or in their case. Avoid backpacks, back pockets, tabletops and places where the family pet can reach them.
  • If you break your retainer, do not try to fix it yourself. Call our clinic to get it repaired.
  • Be careful not to click your retainer in and out all the time. This will cause it to get loose and not fit properly.
  • Retainers do not like heat. Avoid hot water and sunlight. By all means, do not microwave them (yes, it has been done!).
  • You may talk funny or salivate more when you first get your retainer. This is normal and will improve with practice and time.
  • Remember, retainers are difficult to make and are expensive to replace. Take care of them and keep your recall appointments with us. With proper care, your retainers will serve you well for a very long time.



For best results, please follow these instructions and keep your appointments

  • See your dentist every 6 months.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal.
  • AVOID eating sweets between meals unless the teeth can be cleaned immediately thereafter.
  • AVOID chewing ice, hard or sticky candy, gum, and popcorn, playing with, or dislodging appliances.
  • AVOID rough play where you could receive a blow to the face or could catch the appliances on your clothing, dislodging or breaking them.
  • Please notify the clinic IMMEDIATELY if the appliances are loose, lost, or broken.



Please feel Free to ask us any further questions about Dental Braces treatment or for a Free Braces Consultation….



Dr. Goswami’s Delhi Dental Center in East Delhi…… welcomes people looking for Affordable Budget Best Price Low Cost Cheapest orthodontic Dental Braces Treatment Procedure by specialist orthodontist and dental braces Dentist in East Delhi, Noida, Indrapuram, Laximi Nagar, Patparganj, IP Extension, Mayur vihar, Dilshad Garden, Preet Vihar, Anand Vihar , Jagriti Enclave, Shahadara, Shibabad, Gaziabad, gurgaon, West Delhi, Central Delhi, Dwarka – Delhi, India.

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth.
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting.
  • Mouth breathing.
  • Crowding, misplaced out teeth.
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds.
  • Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth.
  • Teeth that meet or bite abnormally or not at all.
  • Jaws and teeth that are out of proportion to the rest of the face.
  • TMJ clicking and sounds. 
  • If you see your child is developing scissors bite or cross bite condition.
  • If you see that your child’s front lower teeth are not getting visible – Deep bite condition.
  • If you see that there is are gaps coming up in your child’s front teeth – spacing in between teeth 
  • If you see that your child can not close his front teeth together – open bite condition.

Appointments The appointment time is flexible and we work all 7 days a week and we will give you your preferred time slot as per your preference.

Please feel Free to ask us any further questions about Dental Braces treatment.

Feel free to ask us for a free consultatio

Dr. Goswami – the Delhi Dentist – owner of Specialist Orthodontist & Dental Braces Dentist clinic in East Delhi, welcome people looking for affordable budget best price low cost cheapest orthodontics, dental braces dentist and dental clinic in Delhi- India, to have a detailed consultation for their cross bite, under bite, open bite, scissor bite, over bite, crowding of teeth, spacing of teeth conditions and choose proper treatment options for themselves…

Same Dentist team — Affordable cost — Same location since last 20 yrs. (est. 2000).


That’s the real beauty of having dental Braces Treatment from Delhi Dental Center.

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We offer different Orthodontic and Dental Braces treatments.

View our Patient cases


The appointment time is flexible and we work all 7 days a week and we will give you your preferred time slot as per your preference.

For more information Go to : –

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Why Dental Braces and Orthodontic treatment at Delhi Dental Center?
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Care for your Orthodontic Braces.​
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